Home/Tag: endocrinology


Animal Care Tips – Endocrine Problems

We reviewed normal endocrinology, or hormonal function, last week. Things can really go awry when the hormones get out of whack. Dogs are quite susceptible to low thyroid problems. this can lead to hair loss, weight gain, lethargy and even neurologic issues such as seizures. Cats tend to get high thyroid levels and become more [...]

By |2006-11-12T21:44:03+00:00November 12th, 2006|Pet Health Care|0 Comments

Animal Care Tips – Endocrinology

Endocrinology is the study of the hormonal systems in the body. A hormone can be briefly defined a substance or chemical that is produced in one place and then transported elsewhere to exert its action. Most of us are familiar with reproductive hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. These are produced in the ovaries and [...]

By |2020-07-24T15:27:09+00:00November 5th, 2006|Pet Health Care|0 Comments