We are always looking for ways we can be of service other than what we supply for our clients everyday.
As part of our vision and mission of Animal Care Clinic, community service is very important to us and our involvement in our community. We are always looking for ways we can be of service other than what we supply for our clients everyday.
During our Animal Care Clinic Open House – Wine and Beer Gala, we open our doors open for anyone to stop by for wine/beer tasting, hospital tours, educational displays, yummy local food, and a silent auction. In past years beneficiaries have included Pacific Wildlife Care, Brighten a Corner, Partners in Equestrian Therapy, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, American Cancer Society and Guide Dogs of America. We have had some great local wineries and breweries join us.
The American Cancer Society is an organization near to our hearts as we have enjoyed participanting in Relay For Life.
Each holiday season we choose a charity we want to highlight. In the past this has included Heifer International’s Arc project, Operation Christmas Child, and our annual ornaments benefitting Women At Risk. Many of our employees have worked with Brighten A Corner to help renovate deserving projects.
We’ve had students from the Grizzly Academy Charter School volunteer with us. By job shadowing with us they earn credits.
Animal Care Clinic has joined forces with the Veterinary School in Mexicali in 2010 through connections via our own Gustavo Rayas. We have traveled to their university to see what they are working on and their challenges. We now regularly host veterinary students in an internship program. Students will stay with us for 2 weeks or more and shadow our doctors and technicians in our daily routine. They are able to see AAHA top standard of care and how our entire staff participates in education. By the end they give a presentation to our staff in one of our staff meetings on a case study they did during their time with us. We all learn a lot!
As individuals, many of our employees take the time to lend a hand in various service projects and groups. Dr. Bonnie Markoff regularly travels to Mongolia to work with V.E.T. Net through Christian Veterinary Missions. Both Dr. Markoff and Dr. Tao have participated with World Vets to do spay/neuter clinics in Central America. Dr. Greenberg has become involved with the local High School FFA teams, teaching them about handling of animals and veterinary science and mentoring teams through State and National Championships. Vet Tech, Nicole Gunkel has worked in Alaska with the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. Many of our student veterinary assistants take part in other programs in conjunction with Cal Poly University and Cuesta College. These are just a few examples of how our team members have reached out to lend a helping hand! You can read more about our community service work in our Blog/ACC Articles!
We are always looking for more ways to get involved! If you have any ideas for us or would like to become more involved in our current activities, please let us know.