There are so many interesting news stories out there about pets and other animals, veterinary medicine or other animal related topics! Each week we’ll be gathering some stories that might be interesting to you, so keep posted each week for new stories!
This week: Veterinarians in public service
“Canine handler aids Japan rescue effort” – Firefighter/paramedic Gary Durian of Yorba Linda is one of six canine handlers who arrived Saturday in Japan. Durian and his dog, Baxter, will spend time in northern Japan working on search and rescue efforts.
U.S. Team bound for Japan in animal-rescue effort – A New England crew from the International Fund for Animal Welfare in Yarmouth Port is on their way to Tokyo today. They will be meeting with animal rescuers, veterinarians, and government agencies to assess the problem of displaces pets and livestock and the need for supplies, clean water, and shelters.
“Lompoc man a military vet and local veterinarian” – Dr. Raghavan Sampathkumaran has recently returned from returned from Kuwait and Kyrgyzstan where he was caring for army dogs that worked sniffing bombs and as guard dogs. His role has also involved inspecting the army food supply.
“Vet Emergency Response Team Mobilised” – The New Zealand University sent the new Veterinary Emergency Response Team to Christchurch to care for animals after the earthquake.
“Veterinarian shares skills with Haitians” – Joe Snyder of Myrtle Point, Oregon recently spent some time in Haiti giving the people there a crash course in animal care. This could be life saving to prevent disease in a country where there are virtually no veterinarians and animals are a life-hold to the people that own them.
“Animal rescuers on stand-by” – No significant reports have been made by an animal search and rescue team after the earthquake in New Zealand.
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