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Community Service

First Animal Care Clinic Trip to Mexicali

Four employees of Animal Care Clinic (Bonnie Markoff, Travis Morris, Ashley Ventimiglia, and Nicole Gunkel) took a trip to Mexicali, Mexico in what we deemed a "fact finding mission." Our own Gustavo Rayas along with our new friends from the Mexicali vet school, Tomas Renteria and Julio Mercado, have a vision to improve upon the [...]

By |2020-07-24T15:26:44+00:00December 16th, 2010|Community Service, Staff Adventures, Videos|0 Comments

Animal Care Clinic Guide Dog Update

Written by Stephanie Ruggerone November brought two exciting œevents  to ACC employees.  Dr. Evans received her long awaited guide dog puppy, œPayton , and Practice Administrator Stephanie Ruggerone ™s guide dog puppy, œRecco , represented Guide Dogs of America at a four day Las Vegas fundraiser! œPayton  is an adorable female [...]

Breed Rescues

Written by Marissa Greenberg, DVM Marissa and Cramer Many of you read Dr. Evans ™ article about fostering pets until they find their œforever home.   Dr. Evans ™ foster kittens came from one of the local shelters, but there is also something called breed rescues and they are often in need of [...]

By |2020-07-24T15:26:50+00:00October 19th, 2010|Community Service, Human-Animal Bond|0 Comments

Guide Dogs of America: Recco’s Second Evaluation

Recco and Stephanie Written by Stephanie Ruggerone, Practice Administrator Many of you are already aware of Animal Care Clinic's association with Guide Dogs of America, as a portion of the donations received at our annual Wine Gala Open House benefited this wonderful organization.  What you may not know, is just as it takes [...]

By |2020-07-24T15:26:52+00:00October 6th, 2010|Community Service, Human-Animal Bond|0 Comments